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iFillip is a compelling scalable plaftform for academic institutions of any size to help integrate & streamline various activities & processes across the institution. This omni-channel platform simplifies mundane but inevitable activities thereby freeing valuable time for teachers to actively engage with the students.
That is not all!! It also has a features rich in-built online classroom module too. With a cloud-enable multi-layered architecture backed with strong data security features and with user-friendly features,
iFillip is the “go-to” application for all institutions.
Temples are integral part of Hindu religion. It embodies the cultural, intellectual & social elements of the daily existence of a Hindu. Practicing Hindus, however far they go, still relate to temples as the bridge to attain spirituality and reach God. Holy Bharat is omni-channel application aimed at providing a ready reckoner about the ancient temples in India.
The purpose of the app is to provide accurate, precise, current & relevant information to anyone searching for information in a concise and user-friendly format. Visit HolyBharat and nourish your souls.
E-commerce has changed the way shopping is done in today’s world. Gone are the days when shopping is considered a day long family excursion! Bharat Marketplace is an online marketplace providing a secure medium for both seller and buyers to sell/buy their products from the comforts of their home round the clock