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Silver Partner!

Cloud Strategy

Migrating to cloud makes it easy for the customers, partners and employees to managing mission critical information from anywhere at any given point of time. Organizations are moving rapidly towards flexible cloud environments.
Our Cloud Strategy and consulting services help such organizations migrate to the cloud – may it be Azure, AWS or Google – swiftly thereby fueling efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Our consultants help you select the best-fit cloud for your business needs by customizing solutions that are aimed to improve customer experience and business agility.

Application Migration and Support

Cloud-Native Applications

Cloud-native applications are designed to protect against any system failures or overload. Those workloads managed by legacy systems can be migrated to cloud-native applications provided the cost is justified by tangible benefits such as uptime and availability. Migrating existing applications require significant efforts that depend upon:

  • The overall application, system architecture, and structure
  • The dependency of the application on technologies used in the underlying infrastructure
  • Additional services integration required by the application’s use case
  • Non-functional requirements or situational context of the application such as performance, availability, security, interoperability and legal regulations
  • The best process for migration depends on the level of cloud-readiness or cloud-maturity of any given application. Migration options include:
  • Partial deconstruction and restructuring of the application
  • Complete redevelopment of the application to a cloud-native approach

Cloud-Hybrid Applications

Operating in a hybrid architecture is a necessary route to cloud adoption, especially for organizations with on-premises technology. Bharat Clouds can help you identify a cloud provider to implement a hybrid cloud strategy that allows for greater flexibility and also simplify operations to achieve business goals. In this you don’t migrate completely to the cloud but maintain an ideal mix of on-premise servers and cloud deployment.